26 July 2016


Litchi lemonade has sweet flavors of litchi along with the lemon flavors.

12-15 litchis or lychees
3.5 cups water, at room temperature or chilled
1 large lemon or 2 medium sized lemons
organic unrefined cane sugar as required
a few mint leaves or lemon slices for garnishing (optional)
few ice cubes (optional)


Remove the leathery skin of the litchis,with your hands remove the fleshy pulp and discard the seeds.
Place it in a blender, make a smooth puree of the litchis, tiny unblended bits and pieces are alright in the puree.
In a jar, mix the litchi puree, lemon juice and sugar, stir till the sugar dissolves.
Pour litchi lemonade in glasses topped with some ice cubes.
Serve litchi lemonade immediately.

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